What Does Your Love Letter Say to Your Family?

“A real love letter is absolutely ridiculous to everyone except the writer and the recipient.”- Myrtle Reed


I heard one theologian say, “The Bible is God’s “love letter” to us, telling us not only that He loves us, but showing us what He has done to demonstrate His love.” The same way God has shown his love toward us by sending His son to die for our sins, we should spend our lives telling and showing our family that we love them. That shouldn’t stop when exit stage left from this world. Life insurance is your final love letter to them. As we come to the close of September, which is Life Insurance Awareness Month, I just have one question to ask you, “What Does Your Love Letter Say to Your Family?”


No matter what you have heard regarding life insurance, no matter how you feel about the subject, in essence, life insurance can do what no other financial instrument can do which is provide the security needed when a love one passes. The loss of a loved one is enough to carry alone, but to carry the additional burden of a financial loss of income as well is too much to have to bear. Life Insurance provides the financial relief needed during one’s time of grief. I like how Liran Hirschkorn describes life insurance, “Buying life insurance is like sending a love note from Heaven, like a final gift to our loved ones saying, “I would give anything in the world to be with you, but since I can’t, I’ll do what I can and that’s making sure you’re taken care of financially.”[1]


Unfortunately, we have wasted precious time in this country arguing about which is better or which should you buy, term or permanent insurance or none at all. I say it is unfortunate because the fact that matters most is not the type of life insurance but the fact you own life insurance as protection over your most valuable asset, your income. Every life insurance death benefit check I have delivered in the last 23 years not one beneficiary has asked was this policy a term or permanent because what matters is the love that is felt when the check is received.


If you are not sure if you have the proper coverage protecting your income give us a call and let us review your current love letter to your family or help you write one.


[1] https://lifehappens.org/blog/life-insurance-a-love-letter/

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