October Effect. Where Do We Go From Here?

“October: This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks. The others are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August and February.”- Mark Twain   What a week. What a month so far. October historically has been a notoriously bad month for the market and this October has not…

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Stock Market Jitters Part II

  The recent stock market drops are creating jitters for millions of investors.  With concerns around rising interest rates, trade policies and higher inflation now is the time to analyze your investment risk. Risk can be defined as possibility of loss or injury. Regarding investing, risk can be defined as the chance an investment’s actual…

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Stock Market Jitters? It’s Time to Analyze Your Risk

“If you take unacceptable risk, you have to be prepared to face the consequence.”- Carly Fiorina   The recent stock market drops are creating jitters for millions of investors.  With concerns around rising interest rates, trade policies and higher inflation now is the time to analyze your investment risk. Risk can be defined as possibility…

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