Happy 20th Birthday to the Gift that is still Giving!

“The best things in life are tax free.” Joseph Bonkowski Do you remember much about the year 1998? 20 Years ago Bill Clinton was our President, the news cycle filled airtime talking about the Unabomber and Boyz II Men was topping the Billboard charts.  But 1998 also ushered in the new tax changes from the…

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Tiger Woods, PGA Championship and Your Retirement

“Ahhhhh Retirement…….Golf Today, Golf Tomorrow, Golf Tomorrow” Anonymous   Tiger Woods, PGA Championship and your Retirement Golf enthusiasts or fans of Tiger Woods, which I am part of the latter, are excited that it seems the Tiger Woods of 2008 is back.  Why 2008? 2008 was the last year that Tiger Woods won a major…

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Three Investment Lessons from Diane Black and Randy Boyd

“You learn more from losing than winning…..” Morgan Wootten   On Thursday August 2, 2018, residents of my state in Tennessee decided who will become the Democratic and Republican nominees for governor, U.S. Senate and a host of state legislative contests. Arguably the most watched contest of this election cycle was the coveted Republican and…

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